Spring Drive

​  April 24 - 27, 2025

Fall Drive

  October 7 - 12, 2025

Hoosier Horse Park, IN

The National Drive

The National Drive supports and encourages the use of helmets for both drivers and passengers.

What is a safety check?

The safety check is as simple as another set of eyes going over your harness and carriage to make sure everything is connected and buckled for a SAFE drive. It is NOT a critique. We understand that in a strange environment away from home, things can seem a bit hectic and something can be overlooked. The National Drive staff is there to support you and ensure a safe trip for everyone.

Please get a safety check and wristband prior to driving!

The National Drive Safety Checklist  Please turn in at safety check


1. Helmets required for minors under 18. Strongly recommended for adults

2. Can you manage your turnout in the presence of unfamiliar horses

3. Have you inspected your turnout/equipment thoroughly.

4. Are you confident in your driving skills to participate in this event

5. Are bridle & reins installed before hitching, left on until unhitched


1. Does your equine stand quietly until directed to move off

2. Are shoes secure and suitable for the anticipated footing conditions

3. Will your equine be content to remain at a safe distance form others

4. Is your equine controllable in traffic and around other horses

Harness and Bitting:

1. Checked for correct fit and excessive wear

2. Have teeth been checked for comfortable acceptance of the bit


1. Wheels - checked to be in good condition and inflated correctly

2. Is vehicle properly fitted to horse



1. Halter and lead rope for each horse

2. Tools and spare parts as needed


4. Cell phone with emergency number on speed dial - 317-373-1751

5. Non-emergency number - 463-218-0023

Signed:                                                                                                                Date:                      

Driving Rules of the Road

1. Stay on your side of the road when meeting someone, and slow down when necessary.

2. When traveling with friends, make room for others to get by.

3. Announce your intention to pass, on the left or right, as appropriate.

4. Inside the compound, WALK and WATCH out or those preparing to hitch or unhitch.